We shot a really slick, really scary video for Part 1 of the Nashville's Dead Freaky Deeky video series, specifically shot and cut for the upcoming FREAKIN WEEKEND! On top of that ice cream shabazz, Nashville's Dead also has an EXCLUSIVE, FREE download of a demo of one of the singles off our new LP, Loose Jewels, which will hopefully be out in May.
Oh yeah, and we're playing Friday night of The Freakin' Weekend at the Exit/IN with the one and only Jacuzzi Boys, JEFF the Brotherhood (with whom we hit Carbondale, IL and St. Louis, MI this weekend!), and Cy Barkley & The Way Outsiders! WOAH! Check out all the Freakin Weekend info and shows here:
Our pals and Nashville comrades JEFF the Brotherhood are some of our favorite people and one of our favorite bands. These guys have been hitting it hard since way way way way way before we were even getting boners about ghosts, so it makes me more than happy to let these deets fly!
We've got a few shows coming up with JEFF and they aren't all in Nashville for once!
1. Secret, free, basement show with JEFF and Diarrhea Planet only. The date just got moved but it should be at The Other Basement in the next month. I'll post it when I know it.
2. Carbondale, Illinois and St. Louis, Missouri with JEFF and Diarrhea Planet the weekend of February 26th. Not sure of the exact venues but I know that if you're in those cities and want to see either band, you're probably in the know.
3. March 4th, Nashville's Dead presents The Freakin' Weekend show at Exit/IN with Jacuzzi Boys, JEFF the Brotherhood, Cy Barkley & The Way Outsiders, and Diarrhea Planet. That shit will be completely insane.
That's what we've got coming up with JEFF but we've also got a show on February 18th at Springwater with our good friends from New York, Space Ghost Cowboys (grab their record for free and their accompanying first record under the name Sex God from http://shackattackrecords.bandcamp.com/ .....these albums changed my life), as well as a reunited The Only Good Thing About The Forties and a couple others TBA.
As I keep typing the news just keeps rolling in! We're also about to do a split cassette with about 4 or 5 songs per side with one of our new favorite bands, The Devin Robinson Band (seriously the best dudes!).
Also, we've been digging into as many bands coming through this fine town of Nashville as we can lately and we've been grabbing tons of video in the process! Check out our RAD FRNDZ youtube channel for videos from Diarrhea Planet, Big Surr, Evan P Donohue, Turbo Fruits, Smith Westerns, Reid Magette, Salamanders, Powerbrrrd!, Cannomen, Casa Castile, Al Scorch, and more!
Go here to hit the channel hard! http://www.youtube.com/user/RADFRNDZ#p/a/u/1/WgLEU916R94